Monday, July 7, 2014

MTC 1st Week (It was Amazing)

MTC Week 1 (July 7, 2014)

The MTC is absolutely amazing! Words cannot describe how much I love the MTC! Guess what?!?!?!

 I am learning so much! Mom I have memorized the missionary purpose, D&C 4, and JS first vision!

It is outstanding here! The spirit is so strong! Oh and Guess what else?!?! I just got called as a senior

companion! The teachers are amazing! And they are so inspired! When I go into a room with my district

and zone it is amazing the strength and confidence I have had! I am so excited for the things to come! I

am so happy, Sister Vance is so happy; literally the whole MTC is happy! Everyone is so friendly; I wish

the world was like this! I am Learning so much!

I love you all so much!

Fast Sunday was so good I loved it! It is officially my first P-day as you can tell!

So family and friends want to know.....

1. Tell us about Sister Vance and your district and Zone.

 My Companion is Sister Vance!!!!! Oh my gosh she is absolutely amazing! She is so cute! She is from

Las Vegas! She is so sweet! She is always singing and always happy!! She is like an extended sister! We

have so much in common and she thinks Pearl Harbor is the most underrated movie of all time! She has

also watched Tin Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and she is in love with music!

 Oh my district is so great I have 4 elders and then there is 4 sisters including me! So look at pictures

from Sister Rasmussan, Sister Rees, and Sister Vance! The two sets of Elders! Elder Steed and Elder

Butler and Elder Landes and Elder Turner! They are all 18 except for one!

 In my Zone, 6 of them are leaving tomorrow to Arcadia California and the rest are going to Toronto!

This includes Sisters Rasmussen and Rees, Sister Talyor and Simon, Sister Pottekur and Barton and

Elder Butler and Steed, Elder Landes and Turner, Elder Pomford and Forsyth, Elder Thurgood and

Johnson. These people are the best and funniest people I know! We tease and treat each other like we

have known each other for forever! It is amazing how much we can know someone without even trying or

really even knowing them!

2. What are you learning about?

 I am learning about everything from Joseph Smith to the restoration to the plan of Happiness and how

to bring in the gospel while trying to get to know them!

3. What are your plans for the remainder of P-Day?

 I am going to play Volleyball and kill the Elders again! And then since the temple is closed we are going

to study for the investigator we teach tonight!

4. If you had 3 extra hours each day, how would you fill them?

 I would sleep for an hour and companion study and practice teaching!

5. Besides the people and missionary work, what do you like most about the 


 That is a little hard! The Food is absolutely delicious! But the way you see yourself, your companion,

your district, and your zone grow spiritually, mentally, and socially is absolutely amazing! We are still

getting to know them but they are so great and funny!

6. What was your favorite thing that happened at Church yesterday?

 Well I loved meeting with my whole zone! They are so great! The ones who came in last week are

spiritual giants compared to us!! They are so amazing! We also had a fast and testimony meeting! I did

bare my testimony on the priesthood power! It is so true I feel so much better since before I came in!

7. Do you know anything about the plans to Canada yet?

 I do!! I got my travel itinerary! We have to be at the travel office Tuesday morning at 3:30! I am flying to

Toronto with 30 other Elders and Sisters! Including all of the foreign ones! There are so many!!! I am so


 We also had a teacher from Toronto come to talk to us about all the questions we had, it was very eye


8. Do you need anything sent, etc, wish you had, forgot etc?

 I don't think I need anything quite yet! Except for a sd card converter to a usb port.

Finish the sentence: (Rapid fire)

1. My favorite study session centered on....

 On Joseph Smith's first vision! When Sister Vance and I taught our teacher about the restoration! I

recited it from memory almost perfectly and I started to tear up it was so spiritually uplifting to know that

the story is real and that he is a true prophet of God!

2. Something new I learned about Sister Vance...

 Most of her siblings are red headed and her favorite brother is on a mission right now as well!

3. I couldn't believe it when...

 When we were challenged to write any question we had and then read 1 Nephi 1 and then ponder

after each verse to think about our question! and one of my teachers then came up to Sister Vance and

I and told me do you understand what that verse meant? and he explained it to the "t" and he is was so

spiritually in tune with me that he answered an extremely personal question for me!

4. My favorite counsel this week was..

 That without Christ we can do nothing!

5. What would you consider you most profound moment of the week...

 I don't know the way all of our teachers are super spiritually in tune!

6. Did you know that...

 None of these computers like to download pictures!!!

7. My favorite thing to eat is....

 Oh they have the best cereal selection ever and it is open all day everyday! and then they have Ice

cream coolers but on Sunday and Wednesday they have BYU ice cream it is absolutely delicious! You

have to try Graham Canyon!

8. I am so grateful for (5 things) this week

 I am grateful that God knew that I needed to be with Sister Vance.

 I am grateful for every single one of my teachers.

 I am grateful that I get to know everyone in my zone personally and that I will be serving with every

single one of them.

 I am so grateful to be here at the MTC to learn everything I need to teach the people who are ready to

hear the gospel in Toronto.

 I am so grateful to know that all things are possible through God and Jesus Christ

Elders in her District
Elder Turner, Steed, Landes, and Butler

Most of her Zone
Elders: Landes, Turner, Butler, Steed, Pomford, Forsyth, Johnson & Thurgood
Sisters: Stuart, Vance, Rees, Rasmussen, Taylor, Simon, Barton & Poettcker

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