Monday, February 23, 2015


OK so question time:

1.  Update on investigators and reactivation efforts.
     Marcela-- she is rapidly progressing towards her Baptismal Date of March 8th! Ahh She is absolutely amazing! I can't even begin to express how much I love this lady! 
     Lina- She is a less active and a recent convert! She has been sick the past week! And you know when you are sick how you are sooo humble?! Well it happened! She read the book of mormon almost all the way through this week and also read some of the bible! OH MY GOODNESS! She blew us away! She is loving it!
     Poonam- She is Kamal's Wife. She speaks very little english and speaks Punjabi and Hindi! Well we had kamal translate as we taught the restoration! It was amazing! She understood what we are here to do as missionaries and the message we are trying to share with people!
     Kamal-He is doing soo well! He Has two names to take to the temple on March 7th and we get to go with him! It is going to be so amazing to see him to the work for his dad and his grandfather! 
2.  What did you learn this week (tell the story)
     I learned a lot about spiritual gifts and more about the Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ! 
     We also had a Specialty meeting on Thursday! and I learned that we need to teach people that as their faith increases EVERTHING ELSE in their life will increase! Same with each of our lives! After all we can't convert people past our own conversion, including your kids and your friends and spouses, and everyone else! CONVERT YOURSELF! Learn more about Jesus Christ and his gospel! Everything in his gospel is simple it is just us who makes it complex! If you need help ASK for help! If you need wisdom ASK GOD! HE LOVES YOU AND WILL ANSWER YOUR PRAYERS!!!

3. What has been your biggest concern?
      Having patience with people! Ahhh! Everytime! 

4 .  What has been your biggest success?
      Biggest success this week! We got Kamal to do Family History! and he found 2 names! TEMPLE HERE WE COME!!!

5.  Tell me three things that made you happy this week? Why?
     Marcela--She cooks for us and makes funny faces with me!
     Simiplicity-- Makes everything easier! The spirit is always there when the lesson is simple.
     Service-- I love serving other people! And when people serve you without you asking it makes you realize that you need the help and that someone really does have your back and is watching out for you!

6.  Tell me why you know you are a daughter of God?
      Why?!?! I know that I am a daughter of God because we are all HIS. He love each one of us and knows each of us perfectly! I have felt that! I know that He really answers prayers  and that he will do absolutely anything for us. Just like our dads will! He knows EXACTLY what we need when we need it most! He wants us to be just like him! He loves me and YOU! 

7.  Tell me why wanted to serve a mission and do you see how you are
an instrument in the hand of God?  (share)
     Well Honestly I didn't want to serve a mission for a long time! Then one day it just clicked! It was something I needed to do! I don't know why but I knew I just needed to! Now there are many reasons why I wanted to serve so here are some: I wanted to serve a mission because I love to serve other people. I know that this gospel is TRUE! I know that this is the thing that makes me happy and I want to share it with people! This is the key to happiness! I know that this is the only way I can truely find myself! This is the way I can truely find my savior and learn of him and share his love with others! I know that we are all instruments in God's hands! But in particularly me? I See that as I sacrifice the things that I need/want he will bless me! He will use me to hasten his work! I have seen and been apart of many miracles!  I have seen people change, right before my eyes! I know that it is not me so it is definitly God using me as an instrument for his children!~


Monday, February 16, 2015

Week 31! LOVE!!!

How was everyone's love day???

Question time

1.  How are the investigators, updates on them and any reactivation efforts?
     Marcela-- She is awesome! She has chosen the date of March 8th officially! We went shopping with her this morning! She is looking forward to the temple after she is baptized! She is AMAZING!

 2.  What do you love about where you are living?
     We have an awesome kitchen!!!

Sporting her hair do and her favorite Avenger Shirt

 3.  Tender Mercy of the past week?
    Marcela went to the Valentines dance last week and met some people I know from don valley and It was amazing! She also picking her date!

 4.  What made you smile this week?
      When I got to see Sister Duran and Sister Lundin and Sister barton all together in my apartment! LOVE IT!!!
Sister Lundin, Duran and Stuart
Sister Duran was heading home!  She was Toni's trainer and Sister Lundin sent her home!

 5.  One thing you learned this week that impacted you?
       I have gotten Serious Revelation about Patriarchal Blessings! SERIOUSLY STUDY THEM CAREFULLY!

 6.  What has been you biggest concern and success?
      concern-- I am worried I am not making a big enough difference here.
      Success--Feeling the spirit!!! and having many prayers answered!

 7.  Favorite service opportunity?
      Cooking for people! I love it! I love cooking for people!!!!

 8.  Did you achieve your goals from last week?
      Yes! It has been such an amazing week! Goals are a way we can measure our progression!

 9.  Companion and you bonded over what this week?
     Ha ha ha talking about Eternal Marriage with investigators....

 10.  I know The Lord is always with me because this week I felt his
Spirit when.....
     We saw many miracles. and many tender mercies! He is always protecting us!

Hair Success--Riley would be so Proud!

Monday, February 9, 2015


I am staying in Woodbridge with Sister Barton!

Sorry it is kinda short this week.

So question time:

1.  Updates on investigators and reactivation efforts.
Kamal-- is doing well! He took us out to lunch with Poonam to Mandarin! Loved it! 

Marcela-- is AWESOME!! She is so ready to be baptized! She is so amazing and so cute! Love her! 

2.  What did you learn this week?
     That to see success you must deepen your faith and witness of Jesus Christ! 

3.  What has been your biggest concern?
     This past week! Has been insane! For some reason I felt sooo unprepared for Transfers. I haven't slept! I thought I was training but I am not! I am Still here in Woodbridge with Sister Barton!

Here's looking at you!

4.  What has been your biggest success?
     Kamal being baptized in 3 weeks! 
     This week: Marcela wanting to be baptized! She knows how much we care and how much we are willing to work with her!

5.  Who has been the person you are praying for the most and why?
     Sister Barton--Because she is my companion
     Marcela-- Because she needs answers! and she is preparing!

6.  What are you looking forward to this coming week?
    Meeting with Marcela! And finding more people to teach!

7.  Do you have a goal set for this coming week?  Tell me about it.
     To Get more out of my Studies by studying about Christ alone.
     and to Smile more 
     and to Talk less so the Spirit can talk more!

8.  Tell me 3 things that made you happy this week.
      Marcela having the desire to progress
      And I just found out that Sister Lundin is Training!

YES! I am a Sister Missionary

Monday, February 2, 2015

Week 29: UPDATES!!!

How is Everyone doing?!?!? I know your all busy but I would like to hear from you! 
Will you write a brief email about updates on you and your family?

This week has been pretty good! 
    Kamal: was confirmed a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints
    Marcela: accepted a baptismal date and is willing to give up what she needs to, to come closer to him!
    Nici and Emanuel and 2 kids- formers who for the first time wants to come to our church because it is the way they think a church should be run. They will come not this week but next (work).

Ok so question time--What your Mom has always wanted to know:

1.  What time do you get up? Do you set your alarm or do you just wake
up on your own?
      6:30 am, We set the phone alarm!

2.  Do you get ready for the day before or after individual and companion study?
      We get ready for the day between 7 and 8 and start Studies at 8.

3.  DO you study one topic for a week for companion study or a
different topic every day?
     We study a different Topic everyday!

4.  What do you usually eat for breakfast? Do you cook it or make it?
       It just depends on the day! I love to make/cook breakfast! It really wakes me up in the morning (mostly). But Cereal or an omelet or an egg sandwich.

5.  What time do you leave the apartment?
       We need to leave the apartment by 10:00 or 10:15

6.  Do you drive everywhere or can you walk some places?
        We usually drive every where!

Just another Cold DAY in February

7.  What time do you usually eat lunch? How long is the lunch? What do
you usually eat?
      Dinner and lunch are an hour long and we just eat it when we can fit it in our schedule! but usually around 12 or 1. I just usually make something random, like the other day I made homemade chicken nuggets.

8. Do you share groceries with your comp?
      Yes we share groceries.

9.  Do you get a drink or snacks during the day to carry you through?
      I try to! It is really hard to carry around though!

10.  What time do you have to be in at night in your apartment?
      We have to be in at 9pm or 9:30 if we are teaching a lesson

11. What time do you go to bed?
       We have to be in bed by 10:30pm

12.  What time do you leave your apartment every P-Day
       between 10 and 10:30

13. What time is P-day over with? What do you usually do on P-Days?
      6 pm and we email, then go to the store, go to the mission office and then go to sports!

14.  How often do you eat with members?
      well being near not really anyone we have meals about once or twice a week. but that is sweet!

15.  Where do you email from on p-days?
     The small town library by renting a laptop!

16. Do you go on splits every week?
      Nope just once a transfer usually.

17.  What are the 3 best things about being a missionary so far?
      Seeing people change.
      The blessings for everyone.
      and feeling the spirit a lot.

18.  What made you smile this week?
      We were visiting a Recent Convert and was playing with his daughter. I had the ball and sister barton wanted it so she went to kick it out of my hands and lets just say tights and tile floors do not agree with fast movements......

Snow outside of Toronto Monique Ramirez posted this on Facebook